
vid's for the kid's

Stupid title? Perhaps...but you can't deny the popularity of online video sites such as my good friend You Tube (the proud sponsor of all of tonights videos).

First one from R.E.M., who I've been intermittently delving into deeper over the past year or so. This is "Drive" from R.E.M. (gotta love a video entirely of crowd surfing):

Secondly, Jeff Tweedy singing "The Thanks I Get". Possibly the greatest song of the entire history of people singing stuff from their mouths with words:

This I just found and can't resist posting it as well. It's from the Jeff Tweedy "Live in the Pacific Northwest" DVD. Jeff has a moment where he rants on all the annoying people who are talking during the concert. I love this rant!! I have the same feelings which I why I almost got in a fight at the last Ben Harper concert I went to, ask Tim if you don't believe me. Here goes:

I'll leave you with the song, "Rich Young Ruler" from Derek Webb. Let this one sink in:

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