
dead cow = relaxation

As I write this blatantly materialistic post I am sitting on, what I would consider, the most comfortable couch in existence. Yesterday, we purchased our first grown-up (non-Ikea) piece of furniture. A leather La-Z-boy couch/dual recliner which is feature in the pictures below:

When you slide into the reclining position, you're immediately surrounded by the musky leather scent which declares "this is a FREAKIN' MAN'S SOFA"!! The smooth chocolate leather cradles you in as you drift of on what will be many Sunday afternoon naps.

More meaningful posts coming soon. But for now too.....sleepy...to...type....on.


photoxpressions 04 - mt. rainier nat. park

Just some pic's from our past two excursions to Mt. Rainier National Park. Rae & I were recently tipped off, that, during August the snow-line on the mountain recedes back enough for the alpine meadows to have a glorious burst of color as the wildflower's bloom in late Summer. The snow melt also creates the lightest blue ponds in the recesses of the valley's which reflect Mt. Rainier majestically.

The next item is an attempt at trick videography which I may have failed miserably at. This was a small trickle next to a waterfall that I thought would appear to flow across the screen if recorded sideways......not sure if I captured it but I figured I'd at least see what others thought of it:



Just been ruminating more lately about RFK. He was as articulate as his brother in his speeches; yet, his experiences connected him to humanity in a way that I don't believe his brother was. Robert Kennedy was more of a man of the people than I think his brother was. Robert's experiences with tragedy broke through the affluent upper crust mold which shaped both brothers from a young age. He became the champion of the downtrodden, oppressed, persecuted, and unrepresented. And then was taken away from them on the summit of what would of likely been his winning campaign for presidency. "Tragic" seems like such a trite, little word to describe the changes that could of came to fruition with the vision and energy of Robert Kennedy in the position of The President of the United States.

For an example of his wordmanship, if that even is a word, read the famous quote from his 06.06.1966 speech in Capetown, S. Africa (which also adorns his memorial next to his brother in Arlington Cemetery):

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

OR this quote from the speech given the night of MLK's assassination in Indianapolis, Indiana quoting the Greek poet Aeschylus:

"In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

AND I'll leave you with this exerpt from the same speech in S. Africa, that seems so fitting for our current international state of affairs:

"In a few hours, the plane that brought me to this country crossed over oceans and countries which have been a crucible of human history. In minutes we traced migrations of men over thousands of years; seconds, the briefest glimpse, and we passed battlefields on which millions of men once struggled and died. We could see no national boundaries, no vast gulfs or high walls dividing people from people; only nature and the works of man -- homes and factories and farms -- everywhere reflecting man's common effort to enrich his life. Everywhere new technology and communications brings men and nations closer together, the concerns of one inevitably become the concerns of all. And our new closeness is stripping away the false masks, the illusion of differences which is at the root of injustice and hate and war. Only earthbound man still clings to the dark and poisoning superstition that his world is bounded by the nearest hill, his universe ends at river's shore, his common humanity is enclosed in the tight circle of those who share his town or his views and the color of his skin.

It is your job, the task of the young people in this world, to strip the last remnants of that ancient, cruel belief from the civilization of man."



Just a quick post regarding apologetics, a topic which has been on my mind for a few months.

As I stare at the empty blog space I don't think I can frame my thoughts at this time. I will have to just transplant my random thoughts for now with a link to a great sermon entitled "Let's Go Fishing" from 08.06.2006. I would highly encourage you to listen to this.

I'll try to edit this post in the future. Work is going well but taking quite a bit of my time.

If you have Netflix or a Public library with a good DVD selection check out this film. Quite an eye-opener on what a tragic loss his assassination was!



lyrics from the song "Fight For Your Mind" from the same titled album, words from the mind of Ben Harper.

" if you're gonna live
then live it up
and if you're gonna give
then give it up
if you're gonna walk the earth
then walk it proud
and if you're gonna say the word
you got to say it loud

you got to fight for your mind
you got to fight for your mind
while you got the time
you got to fight for your mind

if you're gonna build a house
make it a home
if you're gonna pull some weight
pull your own
if you're gonna help
reach out your hand
if you're getting up
then take a stand

you got to fight for your mind
you got to fight for your mind
while you got the time
you got to fight for your mind

if you're gonna step
step on in
if you're gonna finish
you got to begin
don't you fear
what you don't know
just let that be
your room to grow

you got to fight for your mind
you got to fight for your mind
while you got the time
you got to fight for your mind"

'nuff said.