
moving pictures - 02

"Water" is a somber and interesting movie set in the late 1930's, in India, with Gandhi's rise to power set as the backdrop. Water tells the story of a 8 year old girl who is now a widow and must live a life of poverty apart from normal society according to Hindu law. Go here for the trailer.

"The Fog of War" gives an insider look at Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara during the Vietnam War. This is well worth 90 minutes of your time. McNamara's wit is still sharp at 83 years of age with a great amount of wisdom to pass on. President Bush and his hawks (Rumsfeld & Cheney especially) would do well to heed the "11 lessons" Mr. McNamara has for us in this film.


moving pictures - 01

This is the beggining of a new line of posts regarding cinema.

Tonight, Rae and I saw "Little Miss Sunshine"; which I highly recommend.
A few of the previews looked quite intersting as well so I'll pass the links on to the void:

- "Catch A Fire"

- "The Last King Of Scotland"


crickey - r.i.p.

Say it ain't so. I just learned tonight that the "croc hunter" died today from a stingray barb through the heart. Go here for more coverage.

This doesn't have a great impact on my world but I thought Steve-o would never die. This guy was a tough as leather, hard as alligator skin, and quick as a cobra (which, I saw him jump around with in the African safari).

More later.