

Below are a few pictures which I enjoy from my recent trip out to Colorado. I miss the immensity of nature and the feeling of magnificence that I get hiking is such an amazing surrounding; I think this is why I love the West so much and am longing to return permanently to it in the next few years.

The mountains from our bedroom window the morning we were leaving to come back to the east coast (hard to leave).

Waterfall on the ascent to the Mohawk lakes outside of Breckenridge, CO.

Waterfall during a hike to an unnamed alpine lake, hike was the McCullough Gulch trail. Quite a nice hike and highly recommended; also outside Breckenridge.

Sunset on Vail Mt. the last night of our trip. The peak mid-left is Mt. of The Holy Cross.


cathy dyk said...

Beautiful photos Ryan!!
I am impressed! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I'd love to hear more stories from your work.
Keep looking up, Cathy

Timothy Dyk. said...

Hey Ryan, Colorado looks like it was beautiful. I really like that first picture you posted.

rachel said...

how bout giving your wife props for taking that first pic!? ;)