

Yesterday, I was able to "check out" of civilization for a few hours and go on a 9 mile hike in the surrounding woods of the Kittitas valley. I love being out in nature, I feel the closest to God when I am totally alone surrounded by his creation. The raw nature that I find in the untamed hills surrounding our home also quenches my need for adventure. I'm never sure if I'll step on a rattlesnake, be stalked by a mountain lion, or maybe surprise a sleeping elk or deer.......perhaps a slumbering bear!?! As I meander back down the trail, in the gray twilight of the night, my spirit was calm and quiet, ready to start a new week.
The top two pic's are of Mt. Stuart in the Cascade mountain range. The next one is of Mt. Rainer as the sun was beginning to set to her right. The last one is a random picture of a lone tree on a hill. I'm growing a strong affinity to lone trees. Not sure where to go with that thought. Anyway, have a good week.

1 comment:

tr said...

i too enjoy pictures of lone trees... and i do enjoy that one... later